Thursday, August 19, 2021


Welcome to the FGC Library!

Welcome, Dragons!

Please check out the incredible selection of fiction, nonfiction, and audiobooks our library has to offer! I want our collection to be so popular it is hard to keep it on the shelves. 

You will come to the library twice a week. We will do lessons in copyright, research, and library skills and, of course, check out!  You can have two items checked out at a time and will be able to check out more for long weekends as well as winter and spring break.

Join our Google Classroom to stay up to date with assignments, announcements, and all things library!

Please be responsible for the items you borrow from the library and are in your care: 

Use a bookmark 
Report any damage 
Return items on time

The library has comfortable seating for quiet reading. Enjoy!

Our library classroom has physically distanced seating and plexiglass to keep us healthy and get us through the pandemic. 

Our fiction section is separated into genres to help you find your favorite read or to help you try a different form of fiction writing. Please recommend titles that will help the FGC library grow!

Our nonfiction books include many subjects to expand your knowledge and feed your need to know.

And, of course, I am always here to help you find what you need!